Tosa Tales

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I'm going to hell.

Yes, that is my new destination - HELL.

I sent an email to my step-mom asking for my step-sister's address. She had given me a gift for my shower and I need to send a thank you but I know that she recently moved. In the response, my S-M sent the address and asked if I wanted the addresses for my step-brother, her father, brother and sister too for reception invitations.

CRAP! I hadn't even thought about inviting them. I've met them maybe 2-3 times since my dad remarried about 8 years ago and couldn't pick them out in a crowd if my life depended on it. Considering I had already told my mom that she couldn't include anyone on the invite list that I didn't know, I was torn on what to do about this group. I typed out an email to B asking for his opinion. My comment to him was, "Do you think I should include S-M's family in the reception? I'm torn. Now that she sent this I almost feel obligated."

A short while later I IM'd him asking if he had seen my email. "What email?" he asked. My heart literally dropped to the floor. I then realized that I had hit reply instead of forward. The email had gone to my S-M. SH*T, SH*T, SH*T! I am a TERRIBLE PERSON.

I immediately emailed her again, stating the truth. I was VERY sorry. I don't know her family and hesitated at inviting them. She responded with, it's not a big deal but I still feel terrible. Her family is now on the invite list. I now feel the need to do something extra nice for them to make up for my faux-pas...


  • Oh my that sucks. Well, I wouldn't go out of my way...I'd just invite them and be done with it. I hate when things like that least you didn't say anything awful about her in your email to B.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 12:05 PM  

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