Tosa Tales

Friday, September 09, 2005

Shopping Sucks!

Why is it when you really want to buy something, you can never find the right thing? And when you don't have the money or you are shopping for someone else, you find tons of stuff you like? I went shopping yesterday to find a party outfit for this weekend. It's supposed to be in the 80's this weekend so I was trying to find some sort of sleeveless shirt or fun skirt.

I found a skirt I really liked - short, jean skirt. Tried it on and was on my way to the checkout counter when I decided to check the price. The only reason I hadn't previously checked the price was that I was in Express. Most things are around the same price there so I expected this LITTLE skirt to be around $60. Much to my shock, the price was $120! WHAT!?! Did they sew gold leaf into this skirt and I didn't notice? Not sure why it was so expensive but needless to say, it went back on the shelf. I couldn't talk myself into spending that much money on a little jean skirt when I can buy a pair of nice full-length jeans for half the price.

The only highlight of my shopping trip was that I can now fit into a SIZE 6!!!! I don't even remember the last time I wore that size. I'm now looking forward to trying on my wedding dress (which should arrive next week).


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:14 AM  

  • Oh my did you lose all that weight...tell me your secret. I bet you look great.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 11:18 AM  

  • A fitness trainer/drill sergeant named Julie and a diet that I actually stuck to without having major craving attacks.

    5-6 small meals/snacks a day, less carbs, more protien and no junk food. No food after 7:30pm and TONS OF WATER. Drinking 8oz of water with every meal/snack. I found some protien bars that actually taste good. That usually satisfies my vicious sweet tooth.

    By Blogger Tosa, at 3:00 PM  

  • Hmmm, I'm going to try the 6 snacks/meals a day. I tend to skip lunch which I know is not the way to lose weight. Well congrats on making that size 6, I bet you look great.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 3:04 PM  

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