Tosa Tales

Monday, September 12, 2005


My bachelorette party was loads of fun. We all met up at a hotel in Chicago and started the night off with some girly pampering. Foot soaking, pedicures, wine, cheese, fruit, etc. Firecracker did a great job with organizing everything! AND because she loves me, I was only required to wear a white feather boa for the evening. I didn't mind (except for it being very hot wrapped around my neck) and people still got the point that it was a bachelorette party.

The first stop was a favorite Tapas bar where we stuffed our faces and drank lots of Sangria. One person got a fried banana dessert that turned out to look very appropriate for the evening's festivities (I know all you ladies can use your imagination!).

Next stop was Fado's for some Guinness (my favorite adult beverage). This is where the games began. Firecracker had found this card game for everyone to participate in called That Guy. Each card had a picture and description of a certain type of guy. The point of the game was to find a guy that matched the card, gain approval from the group and then have them take a picture with the bride-to-be. The person with the least amount of cards by the end of the night wins a prize. Examples of cards - Sugar Daddy, Bad Dancer Guy, Stripper Guy, Bald Guy, etc. Let's just say that I met a lot of interesting people that night. :)

At Fado's, the manager (a very nice Irish guy named Jimmy) stopped by our table with a free round of shots and a Guiness for me. We also started talking about places to go and see in Ireland. Talked to a bartender from Australia so that my friend Auzzie could hear a little bit of home.

The next few stops I'm not sure on the names. They were near my old office in Chicago and were lots of fun. After Fado's, the details get a little fuzzy for me. At some point we hopped on the train and headed back towards the hotel. Tried a few places near the hotel but lost interest and headed back to the room. Most of us gathered in one of the suites and drank a little more and chatted. Then off to bed.

Believe it or not, I was the first up the next morning. Considering the dog usually wakes me up every morning between 5:30-6:00 am, I slept in until 7:30. I think the pounding headache woke me up. Got up, took some drugs and tried to lay back down but wasn't able to go back to sleep. We all got up and went out for breakfast.

The game winner was my friend from Cleveland. Her prize was something that girls enjoy and requires batteries. ;) Hopefully she didn't get stopped by airport security on the way home!

It was a great weekend. Thanks to the girls and especially Firecracker for pulling it all together even though she is extremely overworked these days.

One last tidbit. My dress has arrived and it's the right one this time!!! I shut myself up in the spare bedroom yesterday and tried it on. It's way too big which is soooo much better than being too small. I'm off to the seamstress tomorrow to get it sized down.


  • It sounds like you had a blast at your party....glad to hear you still like Guiness, you always did have great taste.

    I bet the dress looked fab.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 10:01 AM  

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