Tosa Tales

Friday, September 02, 2005

Me? Golf?

Most of my friends know that I have issues with golf. My dad is addicted to the sport and highly encouraged my sister and I to take up the sport. One of my clearest memories from my childhood is my rather pissed-off mom telling us that we can't go to the movies because dad spent a little too much time at the 19th hole. She didn't actually give that as the reason but having seen dad almost fall over because he bumped into the car on his way into the house, I knew why we weren't going (even at the age of 8).

Incidents like that have made me a might bitter towards the sport of golf. However, I recently decided to give it a try again. B likes to play golf and it's something we could do together. I dove into the deep end on Tuesday by going to a tournament hosted by the women's network at work. I have not even picked up a club (other than put-put golfing) in over 10 years but the organizers encouraged non-golfers to come out and play so, why not?

Even though I am really bad, I ended up in a foursome with 2 people that have never golfed and 1 person that can golf but is definitely not a pro. This made the experience much more fun than I expected. We had a good laugh over our inability to hit the ball well and a little alcohol added to the fun. I am now more than willing to go out and play with B when the opportunity arises. Hopefully there are still enough nice days left in the year so that I can get out on the golf course again.


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