Tosa Tales

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I tried another new thing last week... waterskiing. I previously tried to waterski about 15 years ago with little success but thought I would give it a shot again. The second time around was a bit more successful but not by much. I was able to get up out of the water for maybe 2 seconds before falling over. After about the 8th try I gave up. My arm muscles were shot so I was having problems keeping my grip.

One side effect from waterskiing is water up the nose. I had a sore throat that night from all the water and activities. Unfortunately, that sore throat turned into a fever and sinus infection. I spent much of my Labor Day weekend ingesting drugs, Vitamin C and plenty of liquids. Some of those liquids probably didn't help too much but it was worth it.

Firecracker and her new boyfriend, Fenway, came up for a visit on Saturday. It was a fun time. I like this boyfriend soooo much better than the last one. We went on a brewery tour and to a baseball game. What is a baseball game in Milwaukee without tailgating??? It was a beautiful day so Fenway got to see the better side of our city. We talked about closing down a local pub, Wolski's but by the end of the baseball game, most of us were ready to head home. Instead, we fell asleep watching Iron Chef. Aren't we an exciting group?

Sunday, we had a lazy morning, drove around for a bit and went for brunch down by the lake. That pretty much sums up the rest of my weekend - lazy. Didn't get as much accomplished as I had planned. Seems to be a common occurrence for me. I always forget about that stuff I need to get done. I should write a list and post it somewhere very noticeable so I don't forget.


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