Tosa Tales

Monday, October 10, 2005

The good, the bad & the ugly

Thought I would try to get in one last blog before leaving for the wedding. We are jetting to the west coast tomorrow to prepare for the wedding on Saturday. As usual, it's been a little busy lately so no time to blog.

Last week was ugly. I put over 1,000 miles on my car to give you a clue. Went to Champaign for recuriting. While there, I got a call from dad to let me know my aunt had died. She's been sick for a long time (colon cancer among other things) so it was probably a relief. I have sometimes felt bad over the years because I haven't visited my dad's family in Missouri in a long time. They are nice people but we didn't really enjoy visiting and since my parent's divorce, we haven't felt very inclined to visit.

The hardest part about the funeral was seeing my dad cry. We aren't very close but I think that's one of the hardest things to see - one of your parents upset. He's a pretty stoic guy and I can't ever remember him showing much emotion let alone cry.

One nice thing about the trip to Missouri was spending 6 hours in the car with my sister. We haven't always gotten along (especially while living together during college - lucky we even survived that) but since moving away from home, we've had a great relationship. It's been a while since I really talked to her. There's always someone else with us - mom, husbands/boyfriends, kids, etc. It's been a really long time since it was just the two of us on our own. I had a great time chatting with her.

One last thing... the invitations for the big wedding party in November FINALLY arrived. The paper was back-ordered. I wanted to send them out over a week ago but that didn't happen. The company I ordered them from is full of idiots. If I hadn't been a little raw from the funeral, I would have chewed the poor customer service person a new one. Since I wasn't in the mood, she got off easy! All is now good - the invitations are in the mail. I think I can actually relax a little.


  • Well, by now you are married, congrats. I hope your wedding day was all you dreamed it would be. I hope you post a photo or two, I'd love to see how beautiful you looked. Sorry to hear about your aunt...and seeing your dad cry. Even if you are not close to them, you still expect them to be stronger than you are.

    By Blogger Networkchic, at 11:28 AM  

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