Tosa Tales

Monday, January 30, 2006

Where do I start?

So many little things have happened lately. I'm not really sure where to start...

Most of you know I'll be starting a new job soon (but not soon enough). I will miss many of the people I work with but considering that I'm staying with the same company, I know I'll see them around. Last week we all gathered for a team holiday party (a little delayed, I know). We all gathered together for dinner at Benihana followed by a MKE Admirals hockey game. During dinner, my teammates suprised me with a little Roast. They reminded me of some of my achievements and failures along with exposing some of my quirky side to the entire team. It was nice to know I'll be missed.

Another office-related event - a co-worker was fired. Well, at least we think he was fired. The General (my company) has a policy of being very hush-hush when someone is let go. However, when someone is gone without any notice and no one will say why, it means they were fired. It's sad because none of us got to say goodbye to a friend. We tried to call him but he had a company cell phone which was probably handed over as part of the firing process. I must say, curiosity is killing this cat. Everyone is speculating about why he was fired, but no one knows for sure.

On the lighter side of things, I talked to my friend Mel last week. I knew her due date was coming up but couldn't remember the exact date. I've been meaning to call her since Christmas but it was one of those things that I think about at work but forget when I get home. I was able to remember on that day because I found out earlier that the new lead singer for INXS is from the same town I went to high school in (we call it Jokeville) AND he is only a month older than me. I immediately started wondering if we went to the same high school. Found out that he really grew up in a nearby town but now lives in Jokeville. I had to share this news with my fellow Jokevillians.

BTW, Mel's c-section is scheduled for this Thursday (EXCITING!). I am anxiously awaiting the news of mini-Mel.

Last thing before I get to work. While checking out some new blogs, I came across a blog that has been nominated for a Bloggie. I instantly became curious. I started browsing through the other nominees and found some great new blogs. This blog business can become addicting. It is part of my morning routine to come into work, go through my emails, read my CNN newsletter and check out my favorite blogs. Now my morning routine is taking longer and longer to complete. I have a feeling this will change with the new job. I already know I will be much busier than my current boring job. My day just doesn't seem to start out right without reading some blogs! It's like my morning caffeine! Guess I'll have to start logging in at night before going to bed (usually not something I like to do since I'm on the computer ALL DAY). What's a blogger to do?

Friday, January 20, 2006

Cult Parties

Last night I went to a Tastefully Simple party hosted by a co-worker. I was kind of surprised when I received the invitation since I don't really know her that well. She is kind of a friend of a friend. In general, I don't like the product parties. You feel obligated to purchase stuff that is overpriced because your friend will get free or discounted stuff. And you have to sit through the schpeel about how great the company is and how much the bright-eyed, too happy sales person loves her job. Ugh! It's not my thing.

However, I thought I'd be social and give it a try. I haven't been to a Tastefully Simple party before so why not? It wasn't bad. I got to chat with a friend that I don't see very often. She is the wife of a co-worker. One of those people that when you run into them you think, we should get together sometime. But never do.

In the end, I did purchase some stuff but not a lot. I avoided anything dessert related because if I buy it, I'LL EAT IT! B doesn't have much of a sweet tooth unless it is chocolate. And even then, he only eats a little bit a day. I however, will devour an entire dessert within a few hours or days if I know it's in the house. I have no willpower when it comes to certain foods.

Girl Scout cookies are a perfect example. I only buy one box a year and it gets eaten within few days. B will buy a box of Thin Mints and put it in the freezer. It may last 6 MONTHS or more! The only thing that keeps me from eating his Thin Mints is the fact that I know they are his AND he is instructed to keep them well hidden in the freezer. It helps if they are out of my line of sight. Out of sight, out of mind.

I digress. In addition to the cult party, I got to see my co-worker's new house. It's brand new and nicely decorated (she is very into themes). I was a bit envious of all the space but I wouldn't trade my bungalow that is packed full of character and beautiful woodwork (only 10 minutes from downtown) for all that space in the middle of nowhere. She lives about 40 minutes west of Milwaukee. One day I'd like to have a little cabin on a lake in the middle of nowhere but I don't think I could give up city life altogether. Seeing how nicely decorated her house is has reminded me that I have all sorts of pictures and art that I have never gotten around to framing or hanging up. I think that will be my mission this weekend - DECORATE!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A good idea

While cruzing blogs today, I was inspired by NWC's blog about her favorite things. So I've decided to list (in no particular order) out a few of my favorite things that make me smile or generally feel good.

- A clear blue sky
- Coming home to my puppy that has missed me so much her whole body wiggles
- Hearing B say I love you
- People that make me giggle
- The smell of an ice rink (minus the smelly hockey players)
- Singing in the car with the radio blasting
- Making people laugh when I'm trying to be funny
- Snuggled up with my puppy reading a good book
- Seeing my long-distance friends in person
- Making a meal or just a dessert that everybody raves about
- Walking barefoot on the warm ground
- Caramel apples
- When B reaches out to hold my hand while walking down the street
- Photographs of treasured memories

It has made me smile just thinking of these things. It's a great way to start off the day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What to write?

I can't really think of anything to write about. There are some minor things that have happened lately so I guess I'll start there.

My body has been failing me. A pulled muscle in my back and a pinched nerve in my hip have slowed me down a bit (whine). They are getting better though thanks to my friendly Chiropracter.

B and I finally booked our flight for our official honeymoon. No time or money to do it last year so we are doing it in May. Twelve days in Ireland. I was there on vacation many years ago with a girlfriend and we had lots of fun so I'm really looking forward to going back. B has never been there but always wanted to go. And I've received lots of recommendations on places to go and things to do from various friends, so it should be a great trip.

In my effort to meet other people outside of work, I'm organizing a dinner out with my trainer Brit and her husband. I've met her husband (I'll call him Chef) because he often works out at the gym and will stop by and chat for a bit. He seems like a really nice guy. I thought about inviting them over for dinner but Brit's hubby is a chef. Not just any chef either. He actually worked for Princess Diana when Brit & Chef were still living in England. I do love to cook but I'm definitely not up to royal standards. I would be too paranoid to cook for him.

Instead, we are meeting on neutral ground. There is a great little Italian restaurant that B and I love. We are going to go there and then maybe drinks somewhere fun afterwards. Hopefully B and Chef will hit it off because Brit can make me laugh until my sides hurt. I love that in a person.

I went ice skating on Sunday with Auzzie and another girl from work. I haven't been in a while and I've decided that I need to go more often. It's something that I love to do but never think to do it. It's also sometimes hard to find a skating partner. Well, Auzzie is now in love with skating so I think I now have a willing partner. She also wants to start taking skating lessons which I'm definitely up for. My week is now starting to get crowded with activities between working out, hip hop dance and now skating. I'd also like to learn how to make pottery (a Christmas gift I got) and take my dog to training classes. Being busy is good thing but I'm missing out on some B time (and ME time). I think I'll have to put some things off until the schedule opens up a bit.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

2005 Recap

Last year was so busy (at least in my personal life) that I'm almost releaved that it's over and done with. There were some huge ups and downs but overall, a great year. Thought I'd do a little recap for my readers, the small group that you are.

  • Got engaged on New Year's Eve
  • Renovated the upstairs of our house which involved B's and my blood, sweat and yes, some tears
  • Lost my Aunt S to cancer & her mother, my grandma to a broken heart from losing her best friend
  • Lost 20 lbs thanks to diet & exercising with my drill-sargeant, Brit
  • Got married to my best friend, B
  • Made some new friends, Auzzie, PIC & Brit
  • Fell out with some old friends, Joo & Seattle
  • Finally finished my Six Sigma BB certification at work
  • Found a new job that I can't wait to start

I think that covers the big stuff. Wonder what 2006 has in store for me?

Friday, January 06, 2006

Shake your RUMP!

I made a great start to 2006 by trying something new - Hip Hop dance class. A while ago, Auzzie had mentioned that she wanted to sign up for a dancing class. I told her I was in, thinking I would be learning some sort of ballroom dancing. Instead she found this Hip Hop class. My initial thought was, I don't think so. I wasn't so sure I'd be able to keep up and do the grove thang without making a total ass of myself. Turns out that I actually had fun and didn't care if I don't have a lot of funk in my moves. There were plenty of other novices there that made my dancing look normal.

One girl in particular caught my eye. Imagine blond hair, a slightly plump figure wearing kahki pants, long-sleeved conservative shirt and shoes that almost look like dress shoes. Not exactly the typical outfit for hip hop dancing or any sort of exercise class. Nor did she have much grove in her step. I am by no means the next Janet Jackson, but I know I have more funk in my soul than that white girl.

The dance class wasn't the easiest thing, but it was fun and good exercise so I'm going to go again. I've invited another friend, Brit, to come with us next week and I know she will add even more humor to the event. Should be fun even if a little humiliation is mixed in there.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to reality

It was tough getting out of bed this morning. Because of vacation days and sick days, I haven't had to wake up before 7am since December 20th. The dog was even sleeping late. I must say that I've been quite the lazy ass over the last 13 days. Christmas was a good time visiting the families but I was extremely happy to get home. I'm just not used to being around many people for long periods of time. Our house is pretty quiet (which I like) so being surrounded by lots of family for over a week is enough to make me long for my happy place.

We started off at my family's main location. Spent a few days there trying to be cheerful while fighting off a nasty cold. I did get to spend a lot of time with my nieces since my sister had to work on Friday. I'm guessing that mini-A had fun with Grandma and Auntie Tosa because she had to be carried out the door by her dad while sobbing that she didn't want to go home. B was helping them carry stuff out to their car and cleverly got mini-A to stop crying by asking for a hug and kiss (but only if she stopped crying). Unfortunately, as they pulled out of the neighborhood, mini-A realized that she hadn't kissed or hugged Grandma or Auntie Tosa and the tears started all over again.

One other memory that sticks out from our visit with the Peoria tribe is the Christmas Eve candlelight church service. It's the same thing every year. Lots of Christmas carols, a minister trying to relate the birth of Jesus to life today, give some money, and light a candle while singing Silent Night. There were a few twists this year. The church now has 2 flat-screen monitors that flash all the prayers and song words so that no one need consult a hymnal or bible anymore. This I found to be a little odd. The other twist was the interim minister - a woman who really wasn't a great speaker. At times, it sounded like she was reading from a phone book. No kidding. You know it's bad if B (the good little Catholic boy that he is) is having problems not laughing out loud.

Christmas morning it was on to southern Indiana to visit B's family. As usual, there was way too much food (but all of it yummy) and lots of people dropping by for a visit. I try to be very social since we don't see a lot of them during the year. It's a 6-8 hour drive from Milwaukee (depending on Chicago traffic) so it's not easy to go for a quick visit.

By the third day, I was so ready to go home to peace and quiet. Thank goodness, I didn't have to go back to work right away. I actually got to relax at home for a while. It was lovely.

My first day back at work has been great so far. I arrived this morning to no network connection. Instead of weeding through an overabundance of emails, I'm typing out this posting. Very productive. It always amazes me how little work I can do when I'm not hooked up to the network.