I had a bad dream last night. There are many things that contributed to this dream I think.
- My post from earlier today which I wrote sporatically throughout the day yesterday
- My issue with shutting Auzzie's laptop screen last week and wondering how it would effect our friendship outside of work
- My friend Mel had her baby (Vanessa Emily) on Feb 2nd and I feel bad because I haven't called yet to congratulate her
- My friend Al emailed saying she just bought a house and I haven't yet responded. I really want to talk to her instead of emailing but haven't gotten around to it yet.
The list goes on... I was thinking yesterday what a bad friend I am lately. This is the result of my mental state:
B and I were on a business trip in California. We had just checked into the hotel and were walking up the stairs to our room when we spotted some people we know - Firecracker and Mrs. Seattle. This seemed VERY ODD to us. We stopped to say hi and I asked what they were doing here.
They both looked at each other and then at me. Their response was, "We decided to have a girls weekend." The details are a bit fuzzy here but the gist of it was, they had become really good friends (not in a lesbian kind of way) but didn't want me to know about it.
I was devastated. What the hell? I thought Firecracker agreed that Mrs. Seattle was not a nice person? All the issues I had had with Mrs. Seattle last year and here is my long-time friend, Firecracker, sneaking behind my back. I felt betrayed. (side note: this in NO WAY reflects my feelings towards Firecracker)
The dream then changes to us being in some sort of large office. There is a bunch of background noise, a few other people in the room (some guy's secratary?) and me, Firecracker and Mrs. Seattle. I start yelling at them (not something I usually do - I HATE CONFRONTATION). Things like, "Why would you do this?" and "Firecracker, don't you remember what she did to me last year?" I started letting out all the ugly truths I hadn't wanted to say last year. Not much of a response came from either of them although, I could feel the triumph eminating from Mrs. Seattle.
The rest of the dream is pretty hazy. I woke up about 30 minutes before the alarm went off feeling very sad. I even scooted over to snuggle up to B and my puppy just to make me feel better.
I think my general impression from the dream is that I need to take care of my friendship's better. Don't put off those phone calls and emails anymore. Get better about staying in touch. No, I don't think my friendship with Firecracker is in jeapordy but I know I can definitely work on being a better friend.